We are living in a day when people are getting converted without being regenerated; when they are making decisions for Christ but are not being born again; when they are believing without receiving. This is a day when people are professing to be Christians and yet not becoming new creatures. Old things have not passed away, nor have all things become new. There is no change.
vineri, 6 august 2010
Convertiti si totusi neregenerati
We are living in a day when people are getting converted without being regenerated; when they are making decisions for Christ but are not being born again; when they are believing without receiving. This is a day when people are professing to be Christians and yet not becoming new creatures. Old things have not passed away, nor have all things become new. There is no change.
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Adevarat.In aceste zile aproape oricine poate spune ca este crestin dar daca ar veni o persecutie atunci s-ar schimba lucrurile.In tarile musulmane cine spune ca este crestin o face cu riscul pierderii vietii sau a persecutiei.
RăspundețiȘtergereTraim intr-o zi, atunci când oamenii devin, fără a fi convertite regenerată; atunci când acestea sunt decizii pentru Hristos, dar nu sunt născuţi din nou, atunci când acestea sunt crezând fără a primi. Aceasta este o zi atunci când oamenii sunt practicanţi a fi creştini şi încă nu a deveni creaturi noi. lucruri vechi, nu au trecut, nici nu au toate lucrurile devin noi. Nu există nici o schimbare.
RăspundețiȘtergereAnd this is tragic and extremely dangerous...yet another deceit of satan...who, by the way, also believes...