Aceste doua ore de mesaj sumarizeaza modul in care Dumnezeu a transformat inima lui Paul Washer si cum vede este -"crestinismul contemporan-modern" din mediul evanghelic american prin filtrul sfânt al Cuvantului Adevarului.
In cadrul "Conferinţei de Trezire" din Atlanta, Georgia, mesajul lui Paul Washer din 22 Octombrie a fost impotriva trendului bisericii moderne a secolului 21 din SUA. Cum vremurile sunt globalizatoare, nu putem sa limitam mesajul doar la NordAmerica. El este bun peste tot…sa nu uitam, păcatul a fost primul element globalizator…
Multi vor spune că aşa este contextul american si că nu se pliază, mulează asupra contextului autohton, local-romanesc. Căt se poate de fals. Păcatul este peste tot la fel.
Precum cei din fotbal cand iau bataie, se lamentează si se plâng, se vaicaresc ca nu au reusit sa castige- ziaristii spun "mingea este rotunda". Asa este si influenta pacatului.-peste tot in lume are acelasi efect.
Paul Washer a enuntat 10 capete de acuzare fata de un crestinism contemporan, care pornesc de la o falsa evanghelie pana la o neadevarata perceptie a ceea ce inseamna mântuirea sufletului.
"Daca i-ai dat inima lui Isus- demonstreaza asta prin trupul tau".- Daca i-ai dat inima lui Isus arata-mi cu trupul tau.!
Sunt curios daca te vei plictisi, satura, daca iti vei face timp sa asculti acest mesaj.
2 Timothy 3:15-17
"There's been a battle for the Bible...but there's only one problem. When you come to believe as a people that the Bibie is inspired, you've only fought half the battle. Because the question is not only is the Bible inspired or is it innerant. The major question following that that must be answered: Is the Bible sufficient? Or do we have to bring in every social science and cultural study in order to know how to run a church?
Why is it that evangelism and missions and so-called church growth is more shaped by the anthropologist, the sociologist, and the wall street student who is up on all cultural trends? All the activity in our church must be based on the Word Of God! Everything we do ought to flow from the theologian and the exegete. The man who opens his Bible and only has one question: "What is Thy will oh God?"
A church ought to be seeker-friendly but a church ought to recognize there is only one Seeker: His name is God. And if you want to be friendly to someone, if you want to accomodate someone, accomodate Him and His glory!
Isaiah 8:19
Jeremiah 9:23-24
Psalm 50:21-22 "
"Many of you think talking about the attributes of God and theology is all high ivory tower stuff that has no practical application. Listen to yourself speak!...Do you know why all your Christian bookstores are filled with self-help books and five way to do that and six way to be godly and ten ways not to fall? Because people don't know God! So they have to be given all sorts of trivial little devices of the flesh to keep them walking..."
"When was the last time you attended a conference on the attributes of God? When was the last time as a pastor you taught for a solid year on who God is? How much of all the teaching that goes on in America has anything to do with who God is?"
3.A failure to address man’s malady.
4.An ignorance of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
5.An unbiblical gospel invitation.
6.Ignorance regarding the nature of the Church.
7.A lack of loving and compassionate Church discipline.
8. A silence on separation.
Aici puteti citi si salva intregul mesaj publicat PDF:
Paul Washer 10 acuzatii - impotriva Crestinismului contemporan
In cadrul "Conferinţei de Trezire" din Atlanta, Georgia, mesajul lui Paul Washer din 22 Octombrie a fost impotriva trendului bisericii moderne a secolului 21 din SUA. Cum vremurile sunt globalizatoare, nu putem sa limitam mesajul doar la NordAmerica. El este bun peste tot…sa nu uitam, păcatul a fost primul element globalizator…
Multi vor spune că aşa este contextul american si că nu se pliază, mulează asupra contextului autohton, local-romanesc. Căt se poate de fals. Păcatul este peste tot la fel.
Precum cei din fotbal cand iau bataie, se lamentează si se plâng, se vaicaresc ca nu au reusit sa castige- ziaristii spun "mingea este rotunda". Asa este si influenta pacatului.-peste tot in lume are acelasi efect.
Paul Washer a enuntat 10 capete de acuzare fata de un crestinism contemporan, care pornesc de la o falsa evanghelie pana la o neadevarata perceptie a ceea ce inseamna mântuirea sufletului.
"Daca i-ai dat inima lui Isus- demonstreaza asta prin trupul tau".- Daca i-ai dat inima lui Isus arata-mi cu trupul tau.!
Sunt curios daca te vei plictisi, satura, daca iti vei face timp sa asculti acest mesaj.
2 Timothy 3:15-17
"There's been a battle for the Bible...but there's only one problem. When you come to believe as a people that the Bibie is inspired, you've only fought half the battle. Because the question is not only is the Bible inspired or is it innerant. The major question following that that must be answered: Is the Bible sufficient? Or do we have to bring in every social science and cultural study in order to know how to run a church?
Why is it that evangelism and missions and so-called church growth is more shaped by the anthropologist, the sociologist, and the wall street student who is up on all cultural trends? All the activity in our church must be based on the Word Of God! Everything we do ought to flow from the theologian and the exegete. The man who opens his Bible and only has one question: "What is Thy will oh God?"
A church ought to be seeker-friendly but a church ought to recognize there is only one Seeker: His name is God. And if you want to be friendly to someone, if you want to accomodate someone, accomodate Him and His glory!
Isaiah 8:19
Jeremiah 9:23-24
Psalm 50:21-22 "
"Many of you think talking about the attributes of God and theology is all high ivory tower stuff that has no practical application. Listen to yourself speak!...Do you know why all your Christian bookstores are filled with self-help books and five way to do that and six way to be godly and ten ways not to fall? Because people don't know God! So they have to be given all sorts of trivial little devices of the flesh to keep them walking..."
"When was the last time you attended a conference on the attributes of God? When was the last time as a pastor you taught for a solid year on who God is? How much of all the teaching that goes on in America has anything to do with who God is?"
3.A failure to address man’s malady.
4.An ignorance of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
5.An unbiblical gospel invitation.
6.Ignorance regarding the nature of the Church.
7.A lack of loving and compassionate Church discipline.
8. A silence on separation.
Aici puteti citi si salva intregul mesaj publicat PDF:
Paul Washer 10 acuzatii - impotriva Crestinismului contemporan