luni, 14 ianuarie 2008
The only Thing I need
Once more you've come to me - You've calmed me down
You still the raging sea inside of me
My Lord has come for me
Why-why is it so hard for me to see
Why is it so hard to just believe
Show me what it means to be free
The only thing I need I already have
The fullness of Your mercy in my hand
The only One who loves me as I am
The only thing I need I already have
My heart - a companion to my wounded soul
Again You comfort me-You take control
You quell the fear that owns too much of me
Worship empowers serving

Serving is Often Hard Work
Spiritual gifts are for using in service. If God didn't intend for your gifted to be used, there would no longer be any purpose for your life. Why would God allow us to live beyond any usefulness to Him? In His Wisdom and providence He has gifted each believer to serve and kept each of you alive to serve.
Some teach that once you discover and employ your spiritual gift,then serving becomes nothing but effortless joy. But that's not New Testament Christianity. The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 4:12 of " the equipping of the saints for the work of service" Sometimes serving God and others is nothing less than hard work.
In scripture - Christians - are called not only the Children of God, but also servants of God. Recall how Paul typically starts his letters by referring to himself as a servant of God ( as in Romans 1:1) . Every Christian is a servant of God, and servants work.
The work of Serving God was so satisfying and fulfilling to Jesus that He called it His food. Serving God often made Him so tired He would fall asleep during a storm in an open boat. It once meant forty days without eating. Service for Jesus meant frequent nights of sleeping outside on the ground. It meant getting up before daylight to have any time alone. But in the midst of all the weariness, hunger, thirst, pain, and inconvenience, JESUS said that -" My food is to do the Will of him who sent me and to finish his work" - the work of serving God was so meaningful that it was like food.! it nourished Him, is strengthened Him, it satisfied Him, and He devoured it!
Serving God is work, but there's no work so rewarding.
God sees and knows of your service to Him, and He will never forget it. He will reward you in Heaven for it because He is faithful and just God. I love Hebrews 6:10
" God is not unjust : He will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them".
Disciplined service to God is work, hard and costly labor sometimes, but it will endure for all eternity.
more application :
1) Worship empowers serving
2) Serving expresses worship
Godliness requires a disciplined balance between the two.
IN worship - we find fresh reasons and desire to serve. Isaiah - didn't say" HERE am I. Send ME"! until after his vision of God. That's the order- worship, then worship-empowered service.
As a A.W.Tozer put it " Fellowship with God leads straight to obedience and good works. That is the divine order and it can never reversed" The work of service is too hard without the power we receive for it through worship.
The LORD JESUS was always the servant of all, the servant of servants, the SERVANT. He said " I am among you as the one who serves" ( luke 22:27). If we are to be like Christ, we must discipline ourselves to serve as JESUS served.
and the final ... a good note
wanted:"Gifted volunteers for difficult service in the local expression of the Kingdom of God. Motivation to serve should be obedience to God, gratitude, gladness, forgiveness, humility, and love. Service will rarely be glorious. Temptation to quit places of service will sometimes be strong. Volunteers must be faithful in spite of long hours, little or no visible results, and possibly no recognition except from God in eternity.
A.W Tozer.
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ISUS este Mielul nu Macho Man

Multe poze la Martorii Lui Yehova sunt prezentate astfel .
ISUS iti ofera o viata roza . EL are un chip angelic. O fibra de om cu o stralucire a fetei senina.
ISUS al meu din Isaia 53 arata mult diferit .
- El a crescut inaintea Lui ca o odrasla slaba, ca un Lastar care iese dintr-un pamant uscat. N-avea NICI FRUMUSETA, nici STRALUCIRE ca SA NE ATRAGA PRIVIRILE!! si INFATISAREA LUI n-avea nimic care sa ne placa.
vs 4 "Totusi EL suferintele noastre le-a purtat! ( EL a fost Mielul lui Dumnezeu ce a ridicat pacatele mele si ale omenirii) - si durerile noastre le-a luat asupra Lui si noi am crezut ca este pedepsit, lovit de Dumnezeu si smerit.
vs. 5 Dar EL era strapuns pentru pacatele noastre, zdrobit pentru faradelegile noastre. Pedeapsa care ne da pacea , a cazut peste EL si prin ranile lui suntem tamaduiti"
Ce vreau sa spun eu in plus?
Christosul meu nu este atragator la fata insa este atragator si irezistibil in frumusetea ce o poarta in inima Lui de Salvator .
Judecati voi singuri ...
frumos sau urat asta a contat la ISUS ce a facut pentru tine.
Si-a dat viata( punct)
din iubire.
Un prieten adevarat, o comoara rara!
A avea un prieten este una dintre cele mai mari binecuvantari de pe pamant. A avea un bun prieten poate de cele mai multe ori insemna mai mult decat a avea bani, faima sau familie. Lumea este plina de dureri si necazuri fiindca este plina de pacat. Este pe deasupra un loc unde te simti singur. Un prieten in aceasta lume este ca o raza de soare intr-o dimineata de primavara. El alina jumatate din necazurile tale si iti dubleaza in intensitate bucuriile.Un prieten este, un imbold cand te-ai oprit in drum, un cuvant cand esti singur, o calauza in cautarea ta, un zambet cand esti trist, un cantec cand esti fericit.
Dar un prieten adevarat nu este usor de gasit! Grecul Ovidiu exilat la Constanta a spus: "
Cat timp vei fi fericit vei numara multi prieteni, daca insa timpurile vor deveni tulburi, vei fi singur."
Vrea cineva sa aibe un prieten adevarat? Vi-l recomand pe Acela despre care Biblia spune ca "tine mai mult la tine decat un frate" (Proverbe 18:24). Unul care este gata sa-ti devina prieten atat aici cat si in vesnicie. Prietenul pe care vreau ca sa-l cunoasteti bine este Domnul Isus Hristos. Familia cea mai fericita este cea care are un astfel de Prieten, si fericit este omul singur al carui prim Prieten este Isus Hristos!
"Cel mai bun prieten nu este decat o umbra comparat cu Isus Hristos." Oswald Chambers
Evrei 10:24 Sa veghem unii asupra altora, ca sa ne indemnam la dragoste si la fapte bune.
Matei 11:19 A venit Fiul omului mancand si band, si ei zic: ,Iata un om mancacios si bautor de vin, un prieten al vamesilor si al pacatosilor!` Totusi, Intelepciunea a fost indreptatita din lucrarile ei.``
Proverbe 2:20 De aceea, tu sa umbli pe calea oamenilor de bine, si sa tii cararile celor neprihaniti!
Psalmi 119:63 sunt prieten cu toti cei ce se tem de Tine, si cu cei ce pazesc poruncile Tale.
Psalmi 119:63 sunt prieten cu toti cei ce se tem de Tine, si cu cei ce pazesc poruncile Tale.
Proverbe 18:24 Cine isi face multi prieteni, ii face spre nenorocirea lui, dar este un prieten care tine mai mult la tine decat un frate.
Proverbe 27:6 Ranile facute de un prieten dovedesc credinciosia lui, dar sarutarile unui vrajmas sunt mincinoase.
Daca vrei intr-adevar sa ai un prieten adevarat, Hristos este PRIMUL care merita acel loc in inima ta. Ofera-l Lui! Fara prietenia Lui esti o singuratica, frustrata si nemultumita fiinta umana ratacitoare care cauta sa-si faca prieteni printre cei asemenea ei.
"Cei ce ofera mai multa prietenie sunt cei care raman cu cea mai mare parte a ei"
"M-am dus in lume sa-mi gasesc prieteni, dar nu am putut gasi nici unul. M-am hotarat sa fiu unul si am gasit prieteni peste tot" WBK
"Poti sa-ti faci mai multi prieteni in doua luni prin a deveni interesat de viata altora, decat poti in doi ani prin a-i face pe altii sa fie interesati de tine." Dale Carnegie
"Prietenul nu poti sa-l cunosti atunci cand esti fericit, iar dusmanul nu ramane ascuns cand esti nenorocit". Tertullianus
Ioan 15:13-14Nu este mai mare dragoste decat sa-si dea cineva viata pentru prietenii sai… Voi sunteti prietenii Mei, daca faceti ce va poruncesc Eu.
Cand te plangi ca, "fratele meu nu are timp pentru mine si in consecinta o sa ma supar pe el", evident, fara sa-i spun asta, ceea ce este cu atat mai grav, nu realizam ca se savarsesc doua mari erori:
Asa cum Billy Graham a observat, "nu poti spune ca nu ai prieteni cand Hristos a spus 'nu va mai numesc robi, …ci v-am numit prieteni'." (Ioan 15:15)
- In primul rand, nu se presupune sa astept ca el sa-mi implineasca aceasta fundamentala nevoie
- In al doilea rand, nemultumirea produsa sfasie adevarata partasie spirituala a crestinilor
Un tratat de prietenie cu Dumnezeu si oamenii Lui
dupa o inspiratie din predica "The Best Friend" a lui J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)
I promise- Jaci Velasquez
Lord, You know my heart
And all my desires
And the secret things I'll never tell
Lord, You know them well
Though I may be young
I see and understand
That at times like sheep we go astray
And things get out of hand
So I promise to be true to You
To live my life in purity
As unto You
Waiting for the day
When I hear You say
Here is the one I have created
Just for you
Until then, O Lord
I will be content
Knowing that true love
Will come someday
It will only come from You
‘Cause I have seen the suffering
That loneliness can cause
When we choose to give our love away
Without a righteous cause