marți, 15 decembrie 2009

No one cares about how religious you are

It does not matter how religious you are,it does not matter if you get the dogma right and call your God by the correct or politically correct name,.God has like 9 billion take your pick.God is one,we are one.No matter if you want to believe it or not we are one,one with everything,we are each other.Your actions speak much louder than your words,your actions get things done,they show your love and they bare your fruit and it shows others that.

2 comentarii:

  1. Adevarat, degeaba spunem vorbe mari daca actiunea ne lipseste.Doamne, ajuta-ne sa actionam! Zilele acestea mi-am dat si eu seama ca atatea principii am pe care nu le pun in practica suficient.

  2. @aproapealb, si eu ma simt la fel:).
    Odata Christos mi-a spus " Pune in practica ce stii deja".Acest cuvant deja..aproape ca m-a cucerit.
    Scriptura ne indeamna la fel" copilasilor sa nu iubim cu vorba si cu limba, ci cu fapta si cu adevarul".


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