vineri, 29 mai 2009

Keith Green - "When I Hear The Praises Start"

"My precious bride, the day is nearing
When I'll take you in My arms and hold you
I know there are so many things that you've been hearing
But you just hold on to what I have told you

For when I hear the praises start
My bride, I want to rain upon you
Blessings that will fill your heart
I see no stain upon you
Because you are My child, and you know Me
To me you're only holy
Nothing that you've done will remain
Only what you do for me"

2 comentarii:

  1. Daca vrei sa utilizezi un banner paentru a face link catre Calea Maestrului de pe blogul tau, poti copia codul de la link-ul de mai jos. Binenteles numai daca se poate. Multumesc.

  2. Se poate Claudiu. Fii binecuvantat de Domnul.


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