vineri, 4 ianuarie 2008

Ten Ways I Hear God

Ten Ways I Hear God

We're continuing The Anatomy of Faith series this week. I talked about the ear this weekend. Thought I'd share a list of ten things that help me hear the the still small voice of the Spirit more clearly.

1 I hear God better after I've confessed my sin.

Somehow confession gets rid of the static. Besides, when I'm living with unconfessed sin I don't always want to hear God's voice.

2 I hear God better when I'm worshipping Him.

Worship is one way I tune into God's frequency.

3 I hear God better early in the morning.

Some of you have never heard God's voice in the morning :) Part of spirituality is understanding your circadian rhythm.

4 I hear God better after I've read my Bible.

When you open the Bible God opens His mouth. When you close the Bible God closes His mouth. Not sure who said that first, but it's true!

5 I hear God better when I'm not in a hurry.

Blaise Pascal said, "All of man's miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone."

6 I hear God better when I'm out in nature.

7 I hear God better when I'm on a rooftop.

My favorite place to pray is the rooftop of Ebenezers. I love praying in elevated places where I have a good view.

8 I hear God better when I'm fasting

I hear God more clearly when I do a TV Fast--sometimes we have to tune some voices out so we can hear the voice of God.

9 I hear God better when I'm out of my routine.

Change of place + change of pace = change of perspective. God seems to show up in burning bushes in the middle of nowhere!

10 I hear God better when I'm going after a dream

God doesn't speak to me when I'm not stepping out in faith.

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