miercuri, 12 martie 2008

Live like a Jesus freak- The Barbarian Way

"Anyone who ever risks listening to God and following His voice knows that to everyone who is deaf to His voice, your actions will seem as if you've gone crazy." - Erwin McManus (from "The Barbarian Way")

What we fear is what we’re subject to; our fears define our master… When we fear God and God only, we are no longer bound by all of the other fears that would hold us captive. The fear of death, the fear of failure, the fear of rejection, the fear of insignificance - all of the fears that know us by name and hunt us in the dark of the night become powerless when we know the fear of the Lord.”

“I am saying that we need to find the courage and freedom to be ourselves. We need to let ourselves become the unique individuals that God created us to be. We need to stop trying to be what everyone else wants us to be and stop worrying about what everyone else thinks… Barbarians live as if they are naked before God and naked before men. They have nothing to hide; they do not waste their energy pretending to be someone they’re not.”

“God would never choose for us safety at the cost of significance. God created you so that your life would count, not so that you could count the days of your life.”

Am mai primit si o mana de ajutor:
"The barbarian way is about love, intimacy, passion, sacrifice!"

"HIS purpose is to save us not from pain and sufering, but from meaningless."

"God's will for us is less about our comfort that it is about our contribution"

"People who are fully alive look out of their mind to those who simply exist"

"WE need to stop wasting our time and stop being afraid of what we cannot see and do not know.WE NEED TO MOVE FORWARD FULL FORCE BECAUSE OF WHAT WE DO KNOW!"

"STAY off the paved road!"

Esti iubit ...iubind....iubesti

Chiar de-aş vorbi toate limbile

Vorbite de oameni şi îngeri,

Dacă nu am iubire

Sunt doar o aramă sunătoare

Sau un chimval zăngănitor.


Iubind te dăruieşti

Cu tot ce-ţi aparţine.

Iubind te dăruieşti

Şi uiţi orice măsură.

Chiar de-aş profeţi

Şi-aş şti chiar misterele toate,

Chiar de-aş avea o credinţă

Încât să mut munţii-n mare,

Fără dragoste nu sunt nimic.

Chiar dacă aş împărţi săracilor

Tot ce-i al meu

Şi dac-aş da trupul meu

În flăcări să fie ars,

Nu mi-ar folosi la nimic.
1 Ioan 4:19-21
Noi Îl iubim pentru că El ne-a iubit întâi.
Dacă zice cineva: "Eu iubesc pe Dumnezeu", şi urăşte pe fratele său, este un mincinos; căci cine nu iubeşte pe fratele său, pe care-l vede, cum poate să iubească pe Dumnezeu, pe care nu-L vede?
Şi aceasta este porunca, pe care o avem de la El: cine iubeşte pe Dumnezeu, iubeşte şi pe fratele său.

Crocodilul a inceput sa muste

NU se mai discuta despre "crocodil si dependente" in casele noastre. Lasam sa ne invete copii si adolescentii lumea de afara subiecte prea" tabu" pentru noi cei "sfinti".

Mai jos puteti citi si despre Ilustratia cu crocodilul, eu am ascultat-o mai demult intr-o predica, acum am gasit-o si scrisa.

Crocodilul smulge brate, ochi si picioare.Si te lasa orb si gol pentru a nu mai vedea Slava si Frumusetea Fetei lui Dumnezeu.

Renewing a Healthy Sense of Sexuality:

We need to renew our sense of healthy sex and sexuality. Our young people have been surrounded by unhealthy images of what it means to be sexy and what the norms are of expressing that sexuality. Where has the voice of the church been on helping our young people get a healthy view of their sexuality? Many have been silent. Many have acted like it is yucky or a taboo subject that is “off limits.” So where do young people go for their information? They don’t have to look any further than the magazine rack at the checkout aisle or the television and movies that are readily accessible (not to mention the internet). We have to start talking about this with our young people in our homes AND churches from an early age. To keep silent is to passively allow a death sentence on our children. We have to renew in our families and churches a healthy sexuality and it needs to start with our men. We need to hear it in our Bible classes, small groups, and from the pulpit. But won’t someone get embarrassed? Of course they will but wouldn’t you rather someone get embarrassed than someone get addicted?

Shon Smith illustrated this situation being like a tourist who traveled to the Nile River. He saw all these people sunbathing on the shore and they were mangled, missing arms and legs. All of a sudden he saw how it had happened. A crocodile come out of the river and bit one of the sunbathers leaving them disfigured and mangled. But no one moved. No one seemed surprised. They just stayed right there and continued to be attacked by the crocodiles. He yelled, “Why don’t you move?!? Why do you just sit there and get devoured by the crocodiles…why doesn’t someone do something? Don’t you know this is killing you?” But they just sat there.

We need some people shouting about this. We need some people raising their voices about how devastating this can be. We need to be made aware of how prevalent this problem actually is - not over there somewhere but right there in your church, in your home, among your family and friends. And like I have said over and over again here, we need safe places to talk about these things where we can express who we really are and what we really struggle with and find accountability and love rather than judgment and wrath.

2 Timotei 2:22 "Fugi de poftele tinereţii, şi urmăreşte neprihănirea, credinţa, dragostea,
pacea, împreună cu cei ce cheamă pe Domnul dintr-o inimă curată"

a fi om e lucru mare a fi sfant e o onoare:)

Rudyard Kipling (Premiul Nobel, literatura - 1907)

De poti fi calm când toti se pierd cu firea
In jurul tau, si spun ca-i vina ta;
De crezi în tine, chiar când omenirea
Nu crede, dar sa-i crezi si ei cumva;
S-astepti, dar nu cu sufletul la gura;
Sa nu dezminti minciuni mintind, ci drept;
Sa nu raspunzi la ura tot cu ura,
Dar nici prea bun sa pari, nici prea-ntelept;

De poti visa - si nu-ti faci visul astru;
De poti gândi - dar nu-ti faci gândul tel;
De-ntâmpini si Triumful si Dezastrul
Tratând pe-acesti doi impostori la fel;
De rabzi sa vezi cum spusa ta-i sucita
De pisicher, sa-l prinda-n lat pe prost;
Când munca vietii tale, naruita,
Cu scule obosite-o faci ce-a fost;

De poti sa strângi agonisita toata
Gramada, si s-o joci pe-un singur zar,
Sa pierzi, si iar sa-ncepi ca-întia data,
Iar ca-i pierdut - nici un cuvânt macar;
De poti sili nerv, inima si vâna
Sa te slujeasca dupa ce-au apus,
Si piept sa tii când nu mai e stapâna
Decât Vointa, ce le striga: "Sus !"

De poti ramâne tu în marea gloata;
Cu regi tot tu, dar nu strain de ea;
Dusman, om drag, rani sa nu te poata;
De toti sa-ti pese, dar de nimeni prea;
De toti prin clipa cea neiertatoare
Sa treci si s-o întreci gonind mereu,
Al tau va fi Pamântul asta mare,
Dar mai mult: vei fi OM, baiatul meu !

Q, the Christian Alphabet Art

Fiti oameni, intariti-va !
1 corinteni 16:13

Care este teologia ta?

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