vineri, 7 decembrie 2007

Pe vremea cand umblam pe jos...

de Rodica Botan

Pe vremea cand umblam pe jos,

Carind la plase de-ata tare,

Stateam la cozi, pentru mancare:

Dar traiam si bine si frumos,

Pe vremea cand umblam pe jos...

Si serile tirziu, la stele,

Visam la alte lumi stinghere…

Cantam mai mult, cintam duios,

Munceam din plin , munceam voios

Si-aveam si timp de toate cele…

Pe vremea cand umblam pe jos!

Pe vremea cant taiam butuci

Sa ne-ncalzim, sa facem cina,

Si caram apa cu galeata,

Nu cumparam nimic de gata.

Pe vremea aia , nu de mult,

Stiam sa manuiesc si sapa,

Si il citeam si pe Shakespeare…

Cum de-aveam timp? Acu ma mir,

Dar pe vremea cand umblam pe jos

Totul mi se parea frumos…

Si n-aveam timp de tanguit…

Cum fac acu` de cand m-am pricopsit!.

Pe vremea cand purtam sosoni,

Si reparam la pantofi talpa,

Lumea stia stanga de dreapta…

Carpeam ciorapii la calciie,

Si n-aveam crize de mandrie…

Nu se-ntimpla sa auzim

Ca vre-unul n-are self esteem?!

Batrinii nu mureau stingheri,

Si pentru caini erau hingheri!

Pe vremea cand purtam galosi,

Aveam respect pentru stramosi!

Si ce-amintiri mi-au mai ramas,

Din vremea cand stateam la bus…

Pe vremea cand mergeam pe jos,

Toamna aveam cartofi de scos,

Si ne ducea pe toti cu scoala,

Si nu-l lua pe unu boala!

Si cand ziceai ca mergi afara,

Nu era vorba de-un banchet,

Cu frigarui, turte, serbet…

Era-n ograda , un loc "maret",

Intre cotete, un alt cotet…

Nu parfumat si deodorat,

Sau primenit si asortat…

Aveam caracterul mai frumos

Pe vremea cand mergeam pe jos…

Si nu eram asa de disperati,

Ca nu suntem bine imbracati...

Cu anii, chiar mai mult de doi…

Ziceam ca hainele sint noi.

Copii ne salutau frumos,

Pe vremea cand umblam pe jos,

Si nu parea de loc pe dos,

Ca baietii sa dea sapca jos;

Sau sa se scoale in picioare,

Si sa dea locul! Era o onoare!

Acu, insa ne-am pricopsit,

Cum nici nu-I, bine de vorbit!

Si ce concept total pe dos,

E ala sa umblam pe jos?!

Intepeniti si ruginiti,

Incovoiati si pricajiti,

Slujim la domni fara suflare;

Si construim mereu hambare…


Azi mi-a ramas un gand frumos...

Pe vremea cand mergeam pe jos,

Eram la timp la adunare!

True Gospel

" O, daca as putea face mai mult pentru El !
O daca as fi o flacara de foc sfant si curat ca sa traiesc 1000 de vieti in slujba RaScuMparatorului meu drag.....Privelistea atator suflete care pier zilnic ma afecteaza nespus de mult si ma face sa doresc fierbinte sa merg, daca ar fi cu putinta, de la un pol al Pamantului la celalalt, sa vestesc dragostea rascumparatoare"


"Daca nu credeti CUVANTUL Lui Dumnezeu si pericolul in care se afla cei pacatosi, atunci de ce sunteti voi insiva crestini ? Daca Credeti, de ce nu va puneti in miscare pentru a-i ajuta pe altii? Atata timp cat voi insiva sunteti mantuiti, nu va mai pasa de cei aflati sub osanda"?

RICHARD BAXTER ( evanghelist puritan).

"Vai de mine daca nu vestesc Evanghelia" ( 1 Corinteni 9:16b).

"Cand ii vedem pe altii dormind somnul mortii si focul maniei lui Dumnezeu gata sa se aprinda deasupra capului lor si noi tacem nu suntem si noi oare COMPLICI la moartea lor?"


"Caci noi nu ne propovaduim pe noi insine , ci pe Domnul Christos ISUS" - 2 Corinteni 4:5

"Multumiri fie aduse Numelui Sau pentru ca m-a chemat sa predic Evanghelia. Pentru o creatura este o adevarata glorie sa poata vesti maretia si mantuirea lui Dumnezeu"


"Dumnezeu a gasit cu cale sa mantuiasca pe credinciosi prin nebunia predicarii crucii" ( 1 Corinteni 1:21)

"SA CASTIGAM SPRE SLAVA LUI DUMNEZEU rasplata Suferintelor Sale".

"Si invatatura si predicarea mea nu stateau in vorbirile induplecatoare ale intelepciunii, ci intr-o dovada data de Duhul si de putere" ( pavel - 1 corinteni 2:4)

" Nu va purtati intr-un chip nevrednic de Evanghelia Lui Christos" ( Filipeni 1:27a).

Aminteste-ti promisiunea lui Dumnezeu catre Moise: " EU voi fi cu gura ta si te voi invata ce vei avea de spus" Exod 4:12

Acesta este raspunsul crestinismului la orice fel de invatatura opusa Evangheliei :
<>. Sunt # 3 lucruri pe care oamenii vor fi i interesati sa afle ...: ce ai fost, ce s-a petrecut si ce esti. Doua lucruri nu trebuie sa faci predici si sa exagerezi.

"UN raspuns bland potoleste mania, dar o vorba aspra atata mania" - Proverbe 15:1.

Au fost momente cand Domnul INSUSI nu a acordat nici o atentie acuzatorilor sai:

"PREOTII cei mai de seama Il invinuiau de multe lucruri. Pilat l-a intrebat din nou: NU RASPUNZI nimik? UIte de atatea lucruri TE invinuiesc ei!
ISUS n-a mai dat nici un raspuns lucru care a mirat pe Pilat." Marcu 15:3-5

Cine isi pazeste Gura si Limba - isi scuteste sufletul de multe probleme - Proverbe 21:23

Uneori opozantul este dezarmat atunci cand i se raspunde cu bunatate!

Arhiepiscopul Usher - "ORICINE poate face ca lucrurile simple sa para complicate, insa pentru a face ca lucrurile complicate sa para simple ..este nevoie de un mare predicator"

"Unul din semnele caracteristice ale timpurilor noastre este ca suntem mai degraba adeptii
glumelor decat ai lacrimilor..Se pare ca pentru multi predicatori ..tinta este mai degraba provoace rasul decat pocainta" John Piper.

" SA te consideri intotdeauna mai rau...decat orice om cu care s-ar intampla sa stai vreodata de vorba" HEnry Dyer.

That's My KING

ISUS - Tu -mi esti REGE!
Nimeni nu poate schimba asta!
Iti multumesc ...
ca m-ai chemat la TIne ..
asa netrebnic..

“My King” - Dr. S.M. Lockridge

My King was born King. The Bible says He’s a Seven Way King. He’s the King of the Jews – that’s a racial King. He’s the King of Israel – that’s a National King. He’s the King of righteousness. He’s the King of the ages. He’s the King of Heaven. He’s the King of glory. He’s the King of kings and He is the Lord of lords. Now that’s my King. Well I wonder if you know Him. Do you know Him? Don’t try to mislead me. Do you know my King? David said the Heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament show His handiwork. My King is the only one whom there are no means of measure can define His limitless love. No far seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of His shore of supplies. No barriers can hinder Him from pouring out His blessing. Well, well, He’s enduringly strong. He’s entirely sincere. He’s eternally steadfast. He’s immortally graceful. He’s imperially powerful. He’s impartially merciful. That’s my King. He’s God’s Son. He’s the sinner’s saviour. He’s the centrepiece of civilization. He stands alone in Himself. He’s august. He’s unique. He’s unparalleled. He’s unprecedented. He’s supreme. He’s pre-eminent. Well, He’s the loftiest idea in literature. He’s the highest personality in philosophy. He’s the supreme problem in high criticism. He’s the fundamental doctrine of proved theology. He’s the carnal necessity of spiritual religion. That’s my King. He’s the miracle of the age. He’s the superlative of everything good that you choose to call Him. Well, He’s the only one able to supply all of our needs simultaneously. He supplies strength for the weak. He’s available for the tempted and the tried. He sympathizes and He saves. He’s strong God and He guides. He heals the sick. He cleanses the lepers. He forgives sinners. He discharged debtors. He delivers the captives. He defends the feeble. He blesses the young. He serves the unfortunate. He regards the aged. He rewards the diligent and He beautifies the meek. Do you know Him? Well, my King is the key of knowledge. He’s the wellspring of wisdom. He’s the doorway of deliverance. He’s the pathway of peace. He’s the roadway of righteousness. He’s the highway of holiness. He’s the gateway of glory. He’s the master of the mighty. He’s the captain of the conquerors. He’s the head of the heroes. He’s the leader of the legislatures. He’s the overseer of the overcomers. He’s the governor of governors. He’s the prince of princes. He’s the King of kings and He’s the Lord of lords. That’s my King. Yeah. Yeah. That’s my King. My King, yeah. His office is manifold. His promise is sure. His light is matchless. His goodness is limitless. His mercy is everlasting. His love never changes. His Word is enough. His grace is sufficient. His reign is righteous. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Well. I wish I could describe Him to you, but He’s indescribable. He’s indescribable. Yes. He’s incomprehensible. He’s invincible. He’s irresistible. I’m coming to tell you, the heavens of heavens cannot contain Him, let alone a man explaining Him. You can’t get Him out of your mind. You can’t get Him off of your hands. You can’t outlive Him and you can’t live without Him. Well, Pharisees couldn’t stand Him, but they found out they couldn’t stop Him. Pilot couldn’t find any fault in Him. The witnesses couldn’t get their testimonies to agree. Herod couldn’t kill Him. Death couldn’t handle Him and the grave couldn’t hold Him. That’s my King. Yeah. He always has been and He always will be. I’m talking about He had no predecessor and He’ll have no successor. There was nobody before Him and there’ll be nobody after Him. You can’t impeach Him and He’s not going to resign. That’s my King! That’s my King! Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory. Well, all the power belongs to my King. We’re around here talking about black power and white power and green power, but it’s God’s power. Thine is the power. Yeah. And the glory. We try to get prestige and honour and glory for ourselves, but the glory is all His. Yes. Thine is the Kingdom and the power and glory, forever and ever and ever and ever. How long is that? And ever and ever and ever and ever. And when you get through with all of the evers, then, Amen. :D wow

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