duminică, 24 februarie 2008

Hand in Hand

Degarmo And Key "Hand In Hand"

When you look out of your window late at night
Whisper a prayer for the friends you made in life
Do you remember the ones who helped you make it through?
Are you ready to lend a hand when others need you too?

Hand in hand, we walk together
Hand in hand, we'll serve the Lord forever, hand in hand

Our only treasure that won't rust or fade
Are friendships that stand on love given away
So love one another and love the Lord with all your heart
'Cause that's the way that friendships last
And the place that we should start

Hand in hand, we walk together
Hand in hand, we'll serve the Lord forever, hand in hand
Love one another and love the Lord with all your heart
'Cause that's the way that friendships last
And the place that we should start
Hand in hand, we walk together
Hand in hand, we'll serve the Lord forever, hand in hand
We walk together, hand in hand
We walk together, hand in hand, as we serve the Lord together

What Do I Know About My God?

My God is Faithful

Deuteronom 7:9

Să ştii dar că Domnul, Dumnezeul tău, este singurul Dumnezeu. El este un Dumnezeu credincios şi Îşi ţine legământul şi îndurarea până la al miilea neam de oameni faţă de cei ce-L iubesc şi păzesc poruncile Lui.

Psalmul 92:2

să vestim dimineaţa bunătatea Ta, şi noaptea credincioşia Ta,

1 Tesaloniceni 5:24

Cel ce v-a chemat este credincios, şi va face lucrul acesta.

1 Ioan 1:9

Dacă ne mărturisim păcatele, El este credincios şi drept, ca să ne ierte păcatele şi să ne curăţească de orice nelegiuire.

Care este teologia ta?

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