miercuri, 21 noiembrie 2007

to be humble:

(Christian perspective)

1 Petru 5:5-7
„Dumnezeu stă împotriva celor mândri, dar celor umili le dă har. Umiliţi-vă deci sub mâna tare a lui Dumnezeu, ca El să vă înalţe la vremea potrivită, aruncând asupra Lui toată îngrijorarea voastră, pentru că El Însuşi se îngrijeşte de voi.”

to be humble : In Christian terms, to be humble is to have an honest perspective on yourself. It comes from the same root as 'humility', but also the same root as 'humiliation'. Being humble is not about being humiliated. It's about understanding that you are not more important or more valuable or more loved by God than anyone else, that God has given each of them something special. Christian pride is about understanding that you are not less important or valuable or totally loved by God than anyone else, that the Spirit has given you something special, too. Humble people have the right frame of mind for putting to use the gifts God has given them. If you think yourself 'better than', you aren't likely to use the gifts to serve others; if you think yourself 'better than', you harbor the desire or hope that you can get others to serve you. If you follow Jesus, you follow a God who dined with tax collectors and traitors, washed his followers' feet, and died like a criminal with criminals. There is no 'better than' in this. This is the heart of being humble : serving a God who is greater than us.

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