miercuri, 26 martie 2008

Iti multumesc pentru incercari Doamne

Thank you lord,
for the trials that come my way
In that way I can grow each day,
as I let You lead Yes I thank you Lord,
for the patience those trials bring
In the process of growing,
I can learn to care

But it goes against the way I am
to put my human nature down
And let the spirit take control of all I do
cause when those trials come
My human nature shouts the things to do
And God's soft prompting can be easily ignored

But I thank you Lord, with each tiral I feel inside
That you're there to help lead and guide,
me away from wrong
Cause you promised Lord, that with every testing
That your way of escaping's easier to bear

Yes I thank you Lord,
for the victory that growing brings.
In surrender of everything life is so worthwhile.
And i thank you Lord, that when everything's put in place
Out in front I can see your face.
And it's there you belong.

o alta cantare am ascultat-o in parc azi...

Thank you, Lord, for trials when they come
They draw me ever nearer to your Son

Lord, it hurts to fail, but if I look beyond the veil,
I can see the old man die
Forgive me when I spurn your discipline
When I let my heart grow bitter in my sin
I forget that you are God and I am man
and demand an explanation for your plan

Teach me to rejoice when trials come
and rest upon your mercies til they're done
To turn away from malice, hate, and strife
and offer you, my life, a sacrifice

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